Kimber Tower

Kimber Janes Tower, MPA, ACCRS-S

Contact Kimber directly at or 208-999-6469

Individual and dyad are $100 per 50-minute session. Group supervision is $100 for two hours (can be scheduled in two sessions). Nonprofit, public healthcare workers, and minority populations, please reach out for a scholarship. There is no fee for indigenous healers and other professionals engaging in traditional healing practices.

Kimber Janes Tower has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to supporting individuals affected by trauma, including domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, historical trauma, intergenerational trauma, spiritual abuse, and mass violence since 2015. As the Founding Executive Director and a  Forensic Interviewer of one of Idaho's five Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) to earn national accreditation from the National Children's Alliance, Kimber's dedication to best practices and compassionate care is evident. Proficient in a range of forensic interviewing models (NICHD, Advanced NCAC, Utah CJC, MEC Child Sex Trafficking FI, and ChildFirst), her expertise extends beyond the confines of traditional roles.

Kimber influence is further evidenced by her board member positions she has held during her career, including roles in the library, school boards (where she currently serves as chairman of a charter school), state juvenile justice initiatives, suicide prevention, local arts programs, planning commissions, and as a board member of Babywearing International, among others. Kimber's journey is one of empowerment, advocacy, and transformative leadership—a force that continues to shape and enrich the communities she serves.

In 2022, Kimber's expertise caught the attention of the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming, where she was honored to be asked to spearhead the development and implementation of an all-encompassing program based on the public health model of victim services. She has had the honor of learning from indigenous leaders and healers while serving on Wind River. She has also had the opportunity of doing the work of personally exploring minority population inequities, including fundamental human rights, and how she can be an ally and an advocate for change by elevating others. Kimber's professional journey underscores her unwavering focus on breaking the cycles of violence and facilitating healing within families and communities through prevention, mitigation, and timely intervention measures. Her influence extends far and wide, providing training and guidance to local, state, and national professionals. Combining her peers' insights from diverse fields, Kimber nurtures a commitment to continuous learning.

Her academic achievements align seamlessly with her professional leadership. She has a bachelor's degree in multidisciplinary studies and an Applied Leadership certificate. She holds a master's degree in Public Administration, specializing in Organizational Leadership. Kimber was recently accepted into the University of Wyoming Division of Kinesiology and Health Department's Graduate Certificate in Community and Public Health program.

On a personal note, Kimber enjoys living in the middle of nowhere with her husband, five children, three Australian Shepherds, a cat who rules them all, and her treadmill named Thor.